Saturday, March 29, 2008

My very first blog entry

Well, I've broken down and started a blog, mainly for the baby and keeping people posted...which we don't seem to be very good at doing! I don't have high expectations for this blog...I have a hard enough time keeping up with email.

A month ago Brad and I visited our good friends Josh and Megan Feenstra Wall in Northern England and spent half the time touring with them through Scotland. I'll be posting pictures of the trip as we haven't shown those pictures to anyone yet...or at least a few of them. Brad took a ton!!!!

This week has been a struggle to get through, especially at work. This week I've had 3 minor migraines during work hours. Trying to find a cause to the migraines Brad and I have noticed how hectic life has been lately. Shear stress and exhaustion could be the cause. A day before we left for the UK, my sister's family moved from CA to MI to look for jobs and be closer to family. Over the next 6 weeks the promises of jobs never came through. The week before Easter an offer came through for a job in Dayton. So the family helped pack up the gang, in a snow storm, no less. And after 4 hours of sleep the caravan hit the icy roads of MI Saturday morning. After 7.5 hours, a few ulcers we arrived in Dayton 1.5 hours late to sign rental papers, but the office woman waited for us! (the trip should take just over 5 hrs) We were together for Easter for the first time in many many years, though sad to be moving them 5 hrs away. Thankfully 5 hrs by car and not 5 hrs by plane. We'll miss having them in Grand Rapids, but again thankful that we'll see them more often now!

Returning to MI, Brad and I found ourselves in a busy week and late nights all week. I found a leather sectional on Craigs list and at 10pm at night Tuesday Brad and I found our first couch in 3.5 yrs of marriage that fit our budget and we both enjoyed sitting on. Thursday night the guy wanted us to pick it up at like 10pm! We borrowed my parents' mini van and loaded up the sectional in one trip. Unfortunately, when we arrived home, we (okay, I supervised Brad and my cousin Nathan) struggled to get the sections through the front or back door. Brad has yet to figure out a plan to get the last/main piece into the house!

Baby-- So this week I saw my chiropractor, who during chiropractic school practiced massage therapy, along with his wife. His wife was pregnant and he felt she worked too hard for too long during the pregnancy and caused long term physical issues. I was advised to seriously cut back on my work load. I knew this day would come and its harder than I thought. I love my job, a lot! And I think mainly because I really like my clients, they make my job that much more enjoyable.
I am currently 6 months/24 weeks pregnant, feeling great, minus this week. This week, like I said I had 3 minor migraines and have been exhausted...and baby brained! So we'll see how cutting my schedule back will effect how I'm feeling. I have a number of things to care for concerning the baby. Of which are finding diapers, toys, supplies, etc.
Praise the Lord, we're being given a crib, car seat and plenty of boy clothes (my sister has 4 boys and only 1 girl). For Nadia's sake we hope its a girl!
I'm hoping to use this site to list items that aren't found at Babies R Us or Bed, Bath & Beyond; like cloth diapers that would make wonderfully useful gifts. And most importantly, make baby development announcements! I've been asked to send out belly pictures. So I hope to do a series on the belly. This picture posted is at 22 weeks/5.5.months.


Diane & Dick Lamborn said...

Nice to hear from you! Enjoyed viewing the pictures. Nice to hear what is going on there in Michigan. Your Dad has kept us up with Heather/Matt's move. Sorry you guys had a rough trip in the ice/snow but glad they are settled in. We are doing very well. Uncle Dick will start his umpiring very shortly and that will keep him busy. I am currently working 3 days a week at the church. The other secretary needed help so they asked me if I could work another day...the other secretary wants it to be permanent but I'm not sure that they want to hire me on for an extra day. I don't care either way. This next week, she is on vacation so I am working the whole week to fill in. Well, I better close for now, take care

Benjamin said...

Brad & Kimberly

We like the couch that you guys have chosen let us say first you have the most exquisite taste that we've seen. Not sure if that kind of "gift" is a nature or a nurture thing or just plain good genes. We were both thoroughly impressed with your decision and find it quite ironic in fact that we also have almost the exact same couch that you just purchased. Either you snuck down to Florida, and thought wow, I'm really impressed with Ben and Cara's furniture, lets copy them exactly or it's the genes. Always remember flattery will get you everywhere. Wow the guy even had very similar taste in a rug as well! Here take a look for yourself, I can hear you laughing already.

We do like it and congratulations on your great couch, we hope you can use it to entertain many friends like we do. Hopefully you can get that last piece inside, try to wrap it with industrial shrink wrap.

We love you guys and glad to hear everything is going well.

Ben and Cara

Benjamin said...

Click Me
is a link to our pictures.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the blog!!! And the baby - what a surprise. ;-) Love you guys - wishing you all things good.

Kimberly said...

By the way to clear up any confusion on the couch picture. Unfortunately our house is not big enough to put the entire sectional in one room. The picture is from the seller. We have one section in our living room and the other 2 pieces downstairs. So Benny we are not as cool as you & Cara are and no we didn't know you had a similar sectional. Thats really funny!