Sunday, June 15, 2008

So its mid June and I'm finally updating our blog. I hope to bring you up to speed with the missed pictures of my growing belly over the last 2 1/2 months. The nursery is pretty much ready, the house project list is much shorter. Next time I'll try to add nursery pictures.

April 12th- -26 weeks @ my first shower hosted by my Sunday School class with the two other women in the class that were pregnant. Both have given birth to beautiful girls.

April 19th- -27 weeks at Collins Park in East Grand Rapids with Brad's VanAntwerpen Grandparents and Ellington!

April 26th- - 28 weeks at a friend's wedding (Suzie Burden). Doesn't Brad look great! I don't usually get to see him dressed up in a suit and tie!

April 27th- - still 28 weeks but an artistic picture taken by Brad at home.

May 10th- - 30 weeks in Holland for the Tulip Time Parade with the VanAntwerpen gang. Honestly I look like a big white ball...I had no idea how big I looked prior to looking at this picture!

May 22nd Ellington posed for a photo session in the evening sun for me!

June 9th- - 34 1/2 weeks in our back garden. The baby dropped two days prior. I can breath and the baby has room to swim again. The feet have been poking out!


Sharon said...

You updated your blog! Yeah! You look great. Enjoy the last few weeks of being pregnant :)

Jessie said...

You are looking great! Go go go!