This picture of Brad and Oliver is from Thursday night, July 31st. Oliver sits nicely in Papa's forearm...probably not for long so we thought we better get a picture of the two of them. Notice rolls of chub are setting into his little wrists. I'll try to post a picture of his double chin and the chub that is gathering on our little sweet pea!
Thursday, July 31st Oliver, Mama and Ellington went on their first walk together since his birth. Ellington was so excited. It took a could of pictures on the timer to get Ellington to sit for a picture. We walked four blocks down to the park and back with a few stops to meet neighbors! We haven't tried a stroller yet! Nor have we made it out for a walk this week. Mama hasn't had enough sleep to get up before the heat sets in.
Brad has been doing the posting since Oliver's birth, but as the last post was the 22nd we haven't seem to have much extra time. There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day, nor could I handle longer days...or nights. With that said, we think Oliver is a wonderful baby, pretty easy as baby go. But with little sleep at night 2 hours max at a time, napping with him during the day, FEEDING the little guy continually...soon to big huge guy and keeping up with life (as much as possible)....okay so there isn't much time for keeping up anything. Just getting us dressed and feed each day is a challenge and seems to take half the day. Somehow I am alert and loving being a mama. Brad is a wonderful father and husband. Each morning I get breakfast in bed. Brad says its a small trade off to get to sleep through the night, while I'm up feeding him. The picture of Oliver is from Saturday Aug 2nd, two weeks old and already 10 lbs!!!!
Great pics, guys!!! And it DOES get better, and easier!!! We are praying for you and love all three of you!
Thanks for the pictures, he has already changed so much. He is soooo cute, but I might be a bit biased.
I cant believe how big he seems already. I hope you all are doing well and I am sure you will start to get more sleep soon. Hopefully
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